It's Worth It!
Last Saturday at church, our reading was from Psalm 73. It
was the question that most of us ask to God, “Why do good things happen to bad
people and why do bad things happen to good people?” It was a really
interesting question. However for me, the more interesting thing is that
sometimes, without realizing it, we see ourselves good/even better than other
people while actually we all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God
(Romans 3:23). I’m just going to use “I” instead of “we” in these next few
sentences, because I do believe that these next few words are for me. Sometimes
I thought I get good things because I do good things. That’s not how it works.
God gives me good things because HE IS good. God doesn’t differentiate the
righteous and the unrighteous. Of course we (believers) will have eternal life
once we accept Him as our God and live according to His will but, God is good
to everyone. The question that we must ask ourselves or let me say the question
that I have to ask myself is: ‘WHY do I do good things?’ When bad things happen
to us as a devoted Christian, that’s when we have to check our motives. Problem
is not always a test from God. Problem is something that we face as long as we
live in this fallen earth. However, I do believe (this is not an easy thing to
say) that in the midst of our problems, that’s when we can really see our
character and our faith in Christ . I once heard a
preacher says that problem does not only SHAPE our character, but also SHOWS our
character. In this case, problem shows our true motive in serving Him. I’m only
21 and I still have so much to learn.. I wish I could have understood all of
this in my early age or back in the days when I was still in elementary/junior
high.. When I was still in school sometimes I put people in the ‘boxes’. The
truth is God has smashed those ‘boxes’ or ‘labels’. When Jesus
came to this earth, He already smashed all the boxes and labels, now He also
wants us to smash those boxes and love all people. Instead of being envy to
those people that we label as ‘bad’ or those who do not have the kind of
relationship that we have with God, why don’t we love them? J
I haven’t written for a while so I thought I just wanna share this with you!
Hope you’ll be blessed!
P.S: If you happen to ask the same question that Asaph asked
in Psalm 73:13-14 “Why am I keeping my heart pure? Is it worth it?” the answer
is “It’s worth it!” One day we will see God face to face and hear Him say “Well
done, my good and faithful child!”
Oh how I can’t wait for that day! J
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