Be Patient
Patience is not really my strength. I can remember how many times in my life I got so stressed out because God had told me to wait and be patient. Whether it's about career or relationship or even ministry, being patient is not really my strongest characteristic.. As I'm writing this blog, I am sitting down in a hotel in Bali where many couples holding hands, snuggling, or even more (I don't really have to go into details). It's not easy to be patient while waiting for my time to come. I've shared in my previous blogs that I've always desired for marriage. I desire to be married. I am preparing myself to be married one day. But, one thing that we forget about marriage. We need a lot of patience in marriage. I have seen many couples who got involved into arguments just because they lacked of patience. We need patience in every area of our lives. It's not easy, especially when we look at other people's lives and we see them getting what they want in a split second. I don't know which area you're struggling with. You may be struggling with sinful thoughts, you might be thinking "why am I saving myself for my future husband while other people can date around? I don't even know who my future husband will be, I don't even know if I will ever get married".. The act of being patient is not just for a reward that is waiting ahead of us. the act of being patient is also an act of worship. How many times I found myself imagining me getting married to someone, kissing him, & waking up next to him then I know it's wrong. In Song of Solomons 2:7, it says "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires" I know that kind of thought is wrong. Although people might say it's normal, I don't want to be impatient and imagine things that I should not imagine. Being patient is hard, but, being patient is possible. Philippians 4:13 says that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". 'I can do all things' is not only for getting the job that you have longed for, it's not only about being accepted in the university that you've been dreaming of, "I can do all things" means we can be the person that God has made us to be. Yes, we can be patient. Not by our strength, but through Christ who strengthens us.
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