How to be happy?
It’s been 2 weeks since I posted my blog in the beginning of this year. Within 2 weeks, so many things have happened. Good things and bad things. Sometimes we can’t stop the bad things from happening in life and when bad things happend, we suddenly forget all of the good things that we have or once we had. In the beginning of this year, I wrote about choosing to be happy as my New Year’s resolution but I broke that off already :p There were days that I was so grumpy and unhappy.
As I’m sitting on my bed right now, I am thinking to myself “I wrote about choosing to be happy but I never wrote about how to be happy??” Let’s say, you already CHOOSE to be happy, but you don’t know HOW to be happy in the middle of the chaos and all of your problems. Then, what's next? How can you be happy when everyone around you is one step ahead of you and you’re still at the same place with where you were last year. How to be happy when you have to pay the bill but the amount in your bank account is not sufficient? How to be happy when you don’t know what the future holds and everything is so uncertain? Well, I’m not gonna give you 10 steps to be happy right here, but I just wanna share one thing that I’ve learned to do recently in order to be happy.
I was reading this book called “Hyyge” (read:hue-gah), it’s a Danish word which means a warm and welcoming things that makes life better in the simplest of ways. It is a way of taking the time to feel safe and happy, to enjoy the warmth and security of being with people you love. Hygge is popular because it encourages people to slow down, kick back and take a moment. And that’s IT! That’s the thing that we all need to do. We need to slow down, relax and take a moment to be GRATEFUL. I know there must be a lot of things in your life that you wanna change or you wish to be better. It can be your career, family, relationship, friends or anything. I also feel that way. But, somehow, I’m too focused on things that I wanna change or wish to change that I forget to slow down and take a moment. So, here I am, taking a moment to be grateful. When I look back, there are so many things that I can be grateful for:
-My family

They’re not perfect and we’ve had a lot of dramas. But that’s my family and I’m grateful that I can call them mine.
-My graduation day 👨🎓 👩🏻🎓

If you think that this is just another normal graduation day, well, it’s not. So many things HAPPENED on THAT DAY and I am grateful that I successfully got through that day. It also took a lot of hard-work and patience to get to that day (read my blog: )
-My “High & Low” Project

This project is just starting and to be honest, we don’t know the next step that we’re gonna take yet. We don’t know when we will be as big as Justin Bieber or as big as Oh Wonder 😋 but at least, it’s starting..
-Lastly, this guy :)

This guy has put up with me a lot and I am so thankful for him.. Many times I take him for granted and see his past mistakes more than I see the amazing things he’s done for me. Right now I wanna say, I’m so proud to be yours, babe!
Well, maybe you’re reading this and you’re saying “yeah, you have a cute boyfriend. Yeah, you have a nice family. Yeah, you have a degree and a job now. Yeah, you have a lot of things to be thankful for.” Let me tell you this, there’s a LOT of things that you don’t see behind those photos. I struggled over a lot of things with my family. Austin and I went through a lot of tests and challenges in our relationship, even now we are together again, we are still in a long distance relationship. My job doesn’t always pay me well or on-time and there are times that I don’t feel excited to do it. My graduation day almost got postponed just because of one small thing. Sometimes I think, “why can’t I get things that I want easily?” Even now, my life is still not that easy, BUT, there will always be a BRIGHT side in your life when you WANT to see the BRIGHT side. Yes, your job is hard and tiring while other people’s jobs are more interesting but hey! At least, you have a job. Yeah, you’re single while everyone around you is dating someone or even married but hey! You have a few good friends that are worthy of your time and attention plus remember, it’s better to be single than to be married/in a relationship with the wrong person. Yeah, the project that you’re working on has not developed yet but hey! At least, you’re working on something and you’re gonna see the result one day! Oh please, take some time this year to slow down and take a moment. We live in this world that is so crazy and so obsessed with social media. It’s so easy for us to look at other people’s lives and wish that our lives would be like theirs. But, you don’t know what they’re going through in their lives and sometimes comparing your life with other people's lives is gonna kill your happiness. Take a moment to slow down today, let’s make time just for you and what is really important for you: to look back and be grateful.
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