We are imported: Mask of Magnaminty!

About a few weeks ago, I tried this organic mask from Lush that I bought from @weareimported on Instagram. First, I'm going to make a review on this online shop :) Then, I'm going to give a review on the mask :)

I ordered my mask on Monday and then I got the package on Wednesday, so I can say that they're pretty quick! I found out about this online shop when I was doing some research on this mask (As you know, I always do a research first before buying a product) and I'm really satisfied with their service! They're always quick to respond to my questions, they don't complicate the shipping process and the package was nicely packed.

Now, let's do a review on this product!

I first heard about Mask of Magnamity from Simply Grace on Youtube https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=320s&v=Yh1onvr64Kw and because of that, I decided to buy it online! Haha

So far, I really like the scent and the mint sensation on my face. Honestly, I haven’t really seen significant change on my face but my small bumps started to clear up! I’ve seen some videos of some people who actually experienced significant transformations on their face when they started using it 3 times a week so I will use it more regularly!!

In summary, I’d recommend you to try it! Don’t expect that your skin will change overnight :D everything takes process but it’s worth it! ;)


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