Living life to the fullest
I feel like a lot of people worry about the future too much. What if I get older and nothing's changed. What if it's too late for me to succeed. What if, what if, what if.. I'm such a big fan of Disney fairy tales, especially Cinderella.. In one of their original soundtracks, there's a song titled "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes". There's one part of that song that really speaks to my heart, it goes like this "Have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, If you keep on believing, The dream that you wish will come true." Oh my! how I love that song! When you're reading this, you might say, Ah stop dreaming and just wake up already! The truth is, I'm wide awake right now,but yet I don't worry about the future because I know who holds my future. And I know with all my heart that my dreams will come true. I won't be sharing all of my dreams here, but I will let you know when they all come true ! :) I'm 23 years old and many people start telling me "get a permanent job or you're gonna miss out in life!" but the reality is I'm not missing out on anything, the fact is I'm gaining a lot of things during this time of my life. I'm gaining knowledge, I'm gaining understanding of life- of what I really want, of what really matters. I don't wanna be molded into somebody else's expectation or interpretation of how I should be living my life just to look back and regret it one day.. I wanna live my life to the fullest and sometimes living our lives to the fullest can make people raise their eyebrows (well, you can never please everyone anyway) but I want to live my life to the fullest because I know it will please my Creator. So, have you tried to live your life to the fullest?
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