Knowing your identity, knowing who you are in Christ is such a powerful thing. That's why the devil likes to put lies inside our head. He likes to lie about who we are or what we are.
For so many years the devil made me believe that I can't handle my emotions, I'm such a moody person, I'm a clingy person, I can never be organized, but you know what? none of that is true! God created you and me in His image. So yes, you and me are just like Him.
Do you know who He is? He is the God that is full of wisdom, peace, love and joy. When we know our identity, it determines our action. Imagine if Super Man doesn't know that he can fly? he won't be able to save people's lives and that power would be wasted. But because he KNOWS, he can USE that super power and that super power helps him saving lives. So, the key word here is KNOWING. Sometimes for us knowing is not enough, we also have to REMEMBER.
I'm such a marvel fan, so please bear with me as I'm gonna use another superhero parable. Remember in Captain Marvel movie when she didn't who she was and then she found out later that her past was a lie? and then she REMEMBERS. She remembers who she was, she REMEMBERS the things she's gone through and she REMEMBERS how far she's got. and when she remembers, she became much stronger than ever before. I think that's what we need to do today.
We need to REMIND ourselves of who we are. Declare it out loud. Declare that you are not a victim. You are more than a conqueror. You are not forgotten.
You are not just a face in the crowd. You are loved, you are special, you are wanted. God has a bright future in front of you.
He loves you & He wants the best for you. Right now you don't feel like you're living your best life now.. but that's just a lie!
The best life in this world is not a life lived without problems & pain, but it's life lived depended on God. So, as long as you have Jesus, you are living your best life now.
Don't let the devil put lies in your head. Stand up today & fight him with the TRUTH!
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