Submit under God's/My Parent's Authority?

Everyone knows how my parents were so overprotective over me. I know, as the youngest child (Note to you: I am 12 years younger than my 3rd sister and 15 years younger than my eldest sister. I have 3 older sisters and one older brother so that makes me the little baby), my family can be very protective over me and cautious about my life decisions. I remember one moment where I felt like I would never be able to leave my house just because my parents were so protective over me. Since my dad passed away, my mom has actually become more protective over me. Often times, I lost hope that one day God could use me and send me to many nations.. knowing that my family wants me to always be around them. But then one thing hit me pretty hard "God is bigger than anything". God is bigger than my fear, my worries, my desires, my dreams, my problems even my family. He can do anything. I know that God must have put me in my family for a reason. This is my training ground. I don't know about you, but for me, there are times when I wonder if God's purposes will be done in my life and that's when I need to remind myself Romans 8:28 "For we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose". Underline "according to His purpose". If you believe that something is really what God has called you to do then you don't have to be afraid of the result. As I said, God is bigger than your situations, He is bigger than your circumstances. I always remind myself of this "God will open a way when it seems there is no way". Sometimes it seems there is no way for me to leave my family or my mom for missions/ministries overseas. Sometimes I feel like I should give  up on my calling. But, one thing I know: God will make a way when it seems there is no way.. Just submit under His authority, trust in His promises. He is working even when it seems like He is not.




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